Nicole has always had a love for encouraging women. She would challenge them to tap into their God given ability to be the woman that God has created them to be. With her wisdom and insight she provides services in personal coaching/mentoring, course training, writing books, prayer strategies and much more. She acts as a midwife to women who are ready to birth out what God has placed on the inside of them.
Her mission as a Life Coach is to empower and inspire clients to live a life that is authentic, fulfilling, and aligned with their values. She believes that everyone has the potential to create positive change in their lives, and is there to support you on your journey towards personal growth and transformation. Her and her husband oversee a prayer channel called Petitioning God in Prayer with the Taylors. Where they equip participants to pray from a place of victory and not anxiety.
Nicole Taylor is the Founder/CEO of Women Of Identity, A Certified Life Coach, Mentor, Prayer Strategist and an Inspiring Author who brings a refreshing voice of hope and purpose to her hearers. She is a rising prophetic voice who has the ability to lift hearts and stir faith through her life's journey and love for Christ. She is a happy wife and a mother of four residing in Dallas Texas.
Thank you for inquiring about personal coaching and mentoring.
Here is the break down and all the info you need if you would like to get started.
Personal one on one private session includes:
Sessions Include:
Private One on One session is...
$250 per session for 3months
Thank you for inquiring about personal coaching and mentoring.
Here is the break down and all the info you need if you would like to get started.
Personal one on one private session includes:
Sessions Include:
Private One on One session is...
$200 per session for 6 months
($5.50 shipping)
Tote Bag Bundle includes...
● Women of Identity "I AM" statement shirts.
● Shirt comes in multiple colors. (Pink, Purple, Black, Grey)
● Shirt sizes from S-XL
● Tote bag (Purple and Black)
● He Speaks! book
● The Sting of Betrayal book
● The Mommy's Manual book
● Women of Identity pen
($3.50 shipping)
I AM Statement Shirts comes in...
● Sizes S-XL
● Hot Pink
● Purple
● Grey
● Black
Get all 3 books at discounted price that includes shipping.
($3.50 shipping)
In, "He Speaks! Women's Wisdom Devotional," there are 60 Devotions filled with scriptures, wisdom, and prayers to help transform your life while He speaks. You'll discover:
● That you can hear Gods voice as you trust His voice
● Understand your identity as a daughter of God, woman, wife, and mother
● He is a God that wants to heal and deal with the matters of your heart
● Reveal His love covenant with you
● Expand your heart for family
● Show you the importance of friendship
● Equip you with tools to release His power as you step into your authority in Him.
With Nicole's encouragement and transparent moments of womanhood, wifehood and motherhood you'll hear the voice of God. He will speak in ways that will call you closer to Him and cause you to want to know Him more. This book will convict you to deal with heart issues, confront old mindsets and challenge your character to be transformed into the woman that God has called you to be. Are you ready to hear Him speak?
($3.00 shipping)
The topic of betrayal has always been shrouded in a form of mystery, suspense and even awe. We've seen it in movies, performance plays, and in peoples personal stories. Many have experienced deception at various times of their lives. The sting has crippled them and made them close up and shut people out.
This book is for those who have been betrayed or even for those who have been the betrayer. In whatever situation you have found yourself in, know that the sting of betrayal is real. In this book I will help you to identify the wounds that you have been carrying from the sting and also show you the wounds that you may have inflicted on others. I will take you through a step by step process to see the bitterness, unforgiveness and hurt that you have held on to. You'll learn how to get unstuck and move beyond the sting of betrayal to freedom.
Jesus is ready to heal you... Are you ready to journey with Him?
($1.50 shipping)
The Mommy's Manual is an instructional guide with biblical principles to help you prepare yourself for motherhood. This simple step by step guide will provide you with tips, Do's and Don'ts, wisdom, insight and prayer points for you to prepare and enjoy the journey. Motherhood doesn't have to be moody and miserable, you can experience the joy that God intended for you to have in each stage of pregnancy.
If you would like to book Nicole for your next event, please click link below.
Women of Identity Ministries caters to a community of women by helping them understand who they are, what they carry, and what God has called them to accomplish.
This community aims to equip, empower and encourage women to gain a deep understanding of their intrinsic value and significance. They will come to realize that their identity is not shaped solely by societal norms or cultural expectations but is rooted in their relationship with God.
We create a safe space for women to be seen, safe and secure so they can show up as their authentic self and shine boldly in who God has created them to be. We will ignite their passion for making a positive impact in their families, communities, and the world at large. By learning how to connect with compassion and foster a sense of unity, belonging and support women as they journey together.
Petitioning God in Prayer is a community of faith that focuses on equipping families, marriages and individuals.
Participants will have the opportunity to strengthen, quicken, and renew their passion for Christ as they learn the dynamics of praying prayers that yield life-changing results and enforce victory.
We believe in deploying scripture-based strategies that enable us to pray from a place of revelation and not anxiety.
Join us the 1st-3rd every month for 6 months at 5am cst as we fast, pray and petition God in prayer for the family.
Ladies, let's keep our lamps burning!
Join us for prayer EVERY 15th of the month at 12am CT as we go before the face of Father.
Pray with you soon
Click the link to join!
This women's monthly bible study caters to a group of women who are excited to learn about who they are, who He is, and how to build an everlasting love relationship with the Father.
Join us every 4th Thursday of the month as we dive into scriptures to discover our identity and learn about our First Love.
Click the link to join!
If Nicole has been a blessing to you in any way, you're more then welcome to give her a love offering. She will so appreciate your generous support. It will help fund the kingdom of God on her.